Thursday, November 20, 2014


It’s been an emotionally exhausting couple of weeks. I’m already an emotional person, so when situations that are emotional for somewhat unemotional people come along, I really don’t have a prayer to keep things light. I’ve been struggling and feeling extremely emotional for about a month now, and last week when I heard that my Grandma Great had passed away, my emotional exhaustion just compounded.

Honestly, I’m happy for Great. She was an amazing woman. She lived for almost 93 years, and she truly embraced and experienced life. She was witty, spunky, cheerful, and sparkly as well as being strong-willed and bossy. I loved her a lot. She wasn’t the kind of grandma that I only saw once a year. I saw her often, and she always knew my name and what was going on in my life. Even though I was her great-granddaughter, she attended my sporting events, gave me a string of pink pearls for my sixteenth birthday, and went swimming with me. She was stylish and fiercely independent. She loved the gospel and embraced the atonement in her life.
My family at the family party
I got to see her the night before she left this life. Tyler and I headed to Salt Lake right when I got off of work at 5:00, and when I saw her, I knew that I had been given a true treasure by being among her posterity. In life, she was always put together. She always had her hair perfectly done and makeup expertly applied. That last night that I saw her, she didn’t have makeup on, and her hair wasn’t done, but she looked as beautiful as she ever had. I knew that she was going to be able to move into the next life peacefully. Even though I already miss her, I am so glad that she isn’t in pain anymore, and she gets to be with her loved ones that she has missed over the years.
The viewing
I’m so glad that I am one of the privileged people in this world that got to know so many grandparents, and I’m even more grateful for my knowledge of the plan of salvation and the hope and happiness that I associate with death. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings me so much joy and peace, and I know that because of the blessings of the temple, I’m going to be with my family in the eternities. Being sealed to Tyler is the crowning joy of my life. I can hardly believe that I was able to find such a wonderful companion and partner. He completes me in a way that amazes me on a daily basis.
Flower from Great and Gramps :)

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