Simon Robert Johns. This is the name I have been pulling for my whole pregnancy. Ty and i agreed that we'd like to honor Tyler's dad with the middle name this time, but Ty wasn't a fan of the name Simon. He really wanted to go with the name Theodore and call him Teddy, and I wasn't sold on that. It's interesting because Simon wasn't one of my favorites last time.
Around 20 weeks, when we found out we were having another boy, I had the impression that the baby's name was Simon. I talked to Ty about it, but neither one of us wanted to commit before we met our little guy, and he wasn't convinced. Throughout my pregnancy, we talked about different names, but I always felt strongly about Simon. I even picked up a book that was about Simon Rodia, the artist who created Watts Towers, and it just felt like another little nugget leading me to the name.
Really, the reason I love the name Simon is because of Simon Peter in the Bible. I love that Peter changed his name when the Savior asked him to because Peter is constantly changing and improving. Even though Simon is the name he left behind, I just love that connection. I remember studying the New Testament in Seminary in high school and feeling so much love and respect for Peter. He left everything to follow the Savior, and I hope I can raise my Simon to love God and Jesus Christ to that degree as well.
I know people often tell the story of Peter denying the Savior, and my takeaway from that is that everyone makes mistakes and falters. There are several stories in the Bible in which Peter makes a mistake or is chastised, but he always repents and comes back stronger in his testimony which is an example I would love for my children to follow. Peter’s faith in following Jesus by walking on water astounds me. In my estimation, Peter is real. He is a flawed man who did his very best to follow the Savior and was constantly working to be better. Simon Peter is one of my biblical heroes, and I am happy to have a son whose name can reflect that even a little bit.
Additionally, Simon means to listen. I love that image. Will and Simon were very different in the womb, and in just a couple of days it’s clear that they are very different newborns as well. Will was constantly moving in utero. It was like he had a pogo stick or something, and I continually got the impression from him that he was excited about life and full of energy. Simon was more relaxed. His movements felt more like he was just stretching, trying to find a comfortable position. I got the impression that he was going to be more of a listener and more studious than William is. I’m interested to see if that’s how they grow up, but as of right now, Simon is already a much more mellow baby with lower energy than Will has.
Beyond that, Simon's birth taught me a lot about listening. The birth room was so chaotic when I was in labor, but I was able to tune it out and listen to the guidance of the Spirit in order to get Simon here safely. I realized how important it was for me to listen and focus on the spiritual rather than the temporal, and I think that Simon's peaceful nature was a large piece of my ability to listen amidst a storm.
I’m thrilled to have a little boy named Simon Robert. I think it’s a strong name. I think he can grow into it, but I also think it already fits him. My love for him just keeps growing with every moment.
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