Monday, January 4, 2016

Reflections on 2015

When Ty and I were celebrating our second wedding anniversary, we were reflecting on our last year together. It’s been a wild year. The obvious highlight was getting pregnant and preparing for our family to grow. It’s been so wonderful and humbling, and the upcoming arrival of our baby has definitely been a focus, but we’ve also been busy with other hard things and some fun adventures.

Ty and I both earned degrees; Ty finished his bachelor’s, and I got my associate’s. Both of us being in school was challenging, but it was rewarding too. We saw each other less than we would have liked, but we consistently learned that we could do more than we thought we could. Following graduation, Ty got a “big kid” job working for Goldman Sachs. His job has been such a blessing since he started working there in June. He has already learned so much and is enjoying the opportunities facing him.

Our year was full of travels which is something I’ve always enjoyed. In May we went out to Maryland to visit Ty’s brother and his family. We had so much fun in Washington DC, Amish country in Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and other fun places on the East Coast. It was so fun to spend time with family while on vacation.

A few weeks later we made it to Oceanside, California with my parents and siblings. Ty learned to surf, but I laid low since I had just discovered that I was pregnant. Instead of surfing, I lounged on the beach and read books for fun which made for a change from my pattern during school. I love the beach and had so much fun being on vacation with my siblings again.

At the end of July, Ty left for training in New York, and I followed a few days later. The fun that we had in New York is something I will always treasure. Even though we didn’t stay together, we were able to do some incredible things. There’s something so special about being a couple, a unit, and trying new things together. We spent time in an exciting city before our family of two becomes a family of three, and I am grateful for that.

Leaving Ty in New York was more emotional than I even thought it would be. We spent a month apart, and it was the most difficult part of the year. Ty has been amazing through my pregnancy. From rubbing my feet to making me food to encouraging me to nap when I need it, he has been a rock, and I would not have had such a smooth pregnancy without him. Being apart was difficult. Luckily, Hailey had moved to Orem. She was so good about checking in with me and helping me. Even though it was exhausting and challenging to live alone, I learned that I am more capable than I thought and my Savior will always help me if I only ask.
That seemed to be the lesson of the year. I decided to take eighteen credits for the fall semester, fifteen of which came from English classes. I learned so much, but it was pretty overwhelming. There were days when I didn’t accomplish anything because I had no idea how or where to start. In those times I felt so much support and love from my Savior, and I ended up doing well in school and enjoying the semester more than I even thought I would.

My reflections on this year have left me feeling grateful and humbled. I’m so grateful for the experiences we’ve had, and I’m so excited for all that 2016 has in store.

A review in photos:

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