Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Longest Weeks

I’ve always heard that the last few weeks of pregnancy are the longest, and that seems to be true. Although I’m trying to maintain a healthy perspective, the days of anticipation are dragging by one at a time. I have been grateful to not be in school though. It’s been so nice to be able to take it easy and not worry about class and homework. I’ve also been able to get more much-needed sleep. The sleep deprivation of the third trimester is no joke. We’ve also had a shift though because while I’m at home without a job or class to go to, Tyler has gone back to school and now he has to navigate his full time job and a master’s degree.

For the most part, I have really enjoyed being pregnant. It’s been miraculous to feel life grow within my body, and I have been fortunate to not have complications or even be too sick. Even considering all of that and my attempt at a good perspective, this last week has been the longest of my life. I’m so ready to be able to snuggle and love on this baby I already feel so close to and bonded with. I’m also looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again regardless of the length of the increments.

I’m just tired of waiting. I know there’s a natural time frame for the gestational process, but I’m ready for it to be over. Logically, I understand that my baby is safe in my womb. He’s comfortable and growing better there than he would in my arms. I also know that most women go past their due dates when they have their first baby, so logically I know that my baby could reasonably and safely come as late as February 6 even though my due date is January 23. Today I’m 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant. So even though the baby could come as late as the beginning of February, I know that he could also come anytime now.

Again I find myself learning patience. I know I’m going to be getting a lot of that through my experiences as a mom, and I now just have an early start on that. I get to keep playing the waiting game while I wait for this baby to make his grand entrance into the world. In the meantime, I’ll read books for fun, get more and more excited for the baby’s birth, and try not to drive myself crazy while I wait.

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